How many businesses do you know that don’t accept credit cards? They’re few and far between, and if your company wants to grow, you’re going to have to accept cards as a part of daily life. This method is not without problems for merchants, though. A credit card payment is one that comes with its own fees and potential for fraud, and even if you use the best payment processing service in the world, you’re still going to find costs involved that you just didn’t expect. How can you streamline the experience and make certain you’re paying a little less with every single transaction? These tips can help.
Implement Fraud Protection
Businesses deal with thousands in fraud every single year, and with a few simple steps, you could protect your company and move forward fraud-free. Do some research about the types of fraud you’re most likely to encounter in your industry and make sure your online payment services if you accept orders over the internet, are up to speed and working to protect your company.
Know Your Business
Understand what types of payments customers are most likely to present, and the kinds of cards they typically use. Mastercard and Visa, for example, are processed very differently than American Express. Debit cards are cheaper for your company to process than credit cards. Some kinds of transactions mean higher rates. The key is to know exactly what kinds of payment methods your customers prefer and where your costs are going to be.
Choose the Right Processor
As you shop for payment processors, make sure you’ve selected the one to meet your needs. You’re going to find companies that offer flat fee payment processing that looks like a good choice, but the chances are astronomical that unless you’re dealing with really low transaction totals on a daily basis, you would save more with a company that offers a different structure.
Interchange passthrough rates, for example, tend to be far lower, as they pass the interchange fees on to you, so you can see exactly what you’re paying for every single time. Because there are so many different processors out there, though, and they all charge you differently, the key is to understand exactly what you’re getting.
Learn more about Y2Payments payment processing solutions, contact us today at 888-693-1850.
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