Many types of high risk merchants face difficult choices when it comes to payment processing. High risk merchant accounts aren’t often offered the same kinds of credit card processing deals that other businesses get. This often relies on antiquated ideas of high risk merchants that no longer hold true in today’s world. The best high risk processors are able to offer many of the same features and advantages that other processors would give to other businesses.
High Risk Merchants are Just as Hard Working
Y2Payments has really asked itself over the years, “What are high risk merchants?” These are run by business-people who work just as hard and just as effectively as so merchants who take on lower risk. In fact, high risk merchants often know that they take on added risk and put in the extra effort to ensure that they don’t fail. That shouldn’t be looked down on.
Y2Payments Reviews
Quoting a few reviews Y2Payments has gotten can help different types of high risk merchants assess how our approach to high risk merchant accounts focuses on simplifying implementation, giving you more control over data, and lowering your risk:
“The Interchange Pass Through saved me a boatload of money.”
This is a form of credit card processing pricing that allows the real cost or processing to simply be passed directly to your business. Cutting so much of the overhead results in substantial potential savings.
Lowering Your Risk Lowers Ours
“Love having one consolidated report. This is a huge time saver and it even shows our various customer relationships, tailored to our organizational structure.”
You don’t get this kind of reporting with more traditional options. This can be key to helping you understand your business. If high risk merchant accounts really are so “high risk,” then it serves Y2Payments as well as your business to make sure you have a full grasp of the customer data that’s available. After all, when you have that in your hands and can make decisions with it, it lowers your (and our) risk.
“Y2P handles all the technical stuff, including gateway integration.”
“Zero implementation expense. Recurring billing is a breeze to setup and every option imaginable is in the payment plan module.”
This is an important facet as one of the best high risk processors available. We need to make your integration and implementation as easy as possible. Your risk, and the risk we take, is lowered when you have a full grasp and control over processing and reconciling transactions.
To learn more about how Y2Payments can help you, regardless of what your industry or current risk profile, contact us today.