The lack of credit card processing options for high risk merchants is frustrating. When the only high risk merchant accounts available are themselves riskier prospects, it doesn’t exactly help decrease that risk. High risk merchant accounts should give merchants the tools that help them understand their business, decrease their costs, understand high risk merchant customers, and lower their risk.
Better Reports for High Risk Merchants
This is one of the goals of Y2Payments’ Conduit Reporting system. It puts everything together in one place so that you can easily track how payments are processed and reconciled. Payments can be run over six different channels, but will all show up on a single report. This includes credit, debit, ACH/EFT payments.
These are the kinds of tools and reports that should be normally provided to high risk merchant accounts. Yet there’s an attitude that this extra work shouldn’t be done for high risk merchants? And why not?
When information can be compiled and broken down in high risk merchant reports, you have a better chance to understand your customers, their spending habits, and when and where chargebacks happen. This can help you make more informed decisions. That helps decrease your risk as a business over time.
Why shouldn’t Y2Payments perform the back-end work and provide you the reports that can help you run more efficiently and effectively. Isn’t in Y2Payments’ interest as well as yours to help you decrease the risk you take?
Saving You Time and Stress
High risk merchant reports are easily downloaded, and they can be tailored to match your organizational structure. This saves you time from having to re-organize or re-compile the information. It already comes arranged how you’ve instructed. These reports and the Y2Payments Conduit come with robust research tools that help you break down the data and analyze it all in one place.
Automating the delivery and tailoring the structure of these reports saves you time and helps avoid potential errors or oversights by giving you simple, straightforward access to all your data in one place. High risk merchant customers aren’t understood all that well, and it’s time they are. It’s also time that high risk merchant payment processors started seeing the wisdom in helping high risk merchants lower their risk.